Over 60 Years of Dedication!
SIDLER® is Leidenschaft. SIDLER® is passion.
With over 60 years of dedication and perseverance, it can be best described in Swiss German as Leidenschaft, which means passion. Leidenschaft is abundant in each of the individuals who play a part as a team to create SIDLER’s high quality, innovative and luxurious mirrored medicine cabinets. The staff at SIDLER and their continued dedication and passion is evident in their love for detail, functional design, innovation and quality. By adopting this motto of SIDLER craftsmanship and manufacturing; excellence and exceeding expectations is the only end result within this strong team oriented environment and company.
If you possess a love and passion of providing nothing but quality products and above par customer experiences, we welcome you to submit your resume of interest and possibly join the team at SIDLER International Ltd..
Please submit your resume for any OPEN opportunities that meet your career goals and qualifications.
We thank all applicants for your interest. We will only be contacting applicants whose qualifications best meet the job requirements.

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